Balls of Fury

Welcome to the wacky world where you're not just a ball but the ball on a floating island high above the clouds. Your mission? Engage in the epic ball battle of the century! 

Picture this: balls of all colors—yellow, blue, green, red (except white, because that's you)—engaged in a fierce pushing match. It's a ball-eat-ball world up there. Yep, it's as absurdly simple and surprisingly fun as it sounds. Just a bunch of balls battling it out in the sky. Why? Who knows! But it's a ball of a time. Can you out-push the rest and become the ball master of the floating skies?

All right, brace yourself for the big reveal – I've created a game about balls. Yes, you heard it right, balls. But, hey, it's surprisingly fun – I promise!

Amidst a bunch of other projects in the pipeline (coming soon to near you), I've been reviving some ancient projects and injecting some life into them.

Every project I dive into becomes a chance to throw myself a curveball, challenging and building up those new skills. Simple games like this one? They're my playground – tons of space to tinker and improve in every nook and cranny of my game dev journey. Like any aspiring indie dev, I'm thriving on the good stuff – constructive criticism and feedback, so please feel free to knock me down a couple (or a lot) of pegs. 

Thanks a bunch for diving into the ball pit. Happy Gaming!

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